Cross of CalvaryO Holy Father!
Who am I! That You would know me from the 8 billion people with Your breath in their lungs.
Who am I! That You would delight in me over the majesty of heaven and all of Your creation.
Who am I! That I would deserve Your thoughts and attentions as numerous as the grains of sand of the sea.
Who am I! That You would faithfully and freely provide everything good and perfect in this world to sustain and satisfy me.
Who am I! That You would send Your Son to die for me and all my inequity.

I am a betrayer, a liar, a thief, an adulterer, a murderer, a gossip, an idol worshiper, a fornicator, a coveter, a prostitute, a worthless sinner saved by Your grace through faith that Your Son, Jesus Christ died on the Cross at Calvary for the sins of the world – for all sin – now and forever.

In what can I boast? All that I am is Yours. All that I have is Yours. My days are gifts of Your mercy. My sustenance is provision from Your love and grace. All that I know that is good flows from Your endless bounty.

From this moment till my last; May my words honor You, May my thoughts please You, May my actions reflect You, and may I “always and only” boast in Your finished work at the Cross of our salvation.
