Secret Place Prayer

Jesus said to give without the right hand knowing what the left hand is doing. Give in secret where no one but your Heavenly Father sees you. There is a divine reward for these “secret” givers. God gives to just and the unjust. I believe that we do not see most of the blessings our Father of Lights rains down upon us. Secret prayer has the same divine blessing as secret giving. I believe that one of the main blessings is increase faith. What a man does in secret is the content of his character. His integrity. Integrity is developed by discipline. Faith’s discipline is constant prayer. But it’s strongest exercise is “secret” prayer. Go into your closet, close the door, and pray to your Heavenly Father in secret. He will reward you. His answer will not be what you would expect. His response to prayer is directly related to measure of faith we personally have in Him. Secret prayer develops that faith. Secret prayer develops a heart to see as He sees, hear as He hears, and touch as He touches. We become more tuned to the Holy Spirit. He lays out a holy perspective and sets up the order of precedence within our lives and our prayers. Maturity will usually lead us to complete selflessness in prayer. Until our deepest desire is for His return and scriptures fulfillment. So, when you ask your Heavenly Father to increase your faith — begin to answer it by creating more opportunities for “Secret Prayer.” You will discover the intimacy God intends for us to have with Him in the secret place. It has a reward more valuable than anything in this world.