You created our world as a paradise for us to live in harmony with You. You stepped down from your kingdom, power and glory into a fallen world broken by our sin. Born in a barn amongst the sheep, cows, camels, and mules to a virgin teenager favored by your Father. You would live and grow as a simple carpenter drawing no attention to yourself until the appointed time for your ministry.

You gave comfort to the poor, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, raised the dead, and found the lost.

You lived a life with no possessions, no home to call your own, your hands were not meant to touch the temptation of money.

You sacrificed all that you had to show us the way of love, the way of life, the way everlasting. Innocently, You walked alone and abandoned, your body beaten and bruised carrying the whole burden of our sin. In our blind disobedience, we pierced you and nailed you to a cross. Still with your last breath you prayed for us, “Forgive them Father…” The battle of physical agony and true love raged within you on the cross. But you, a child born in manger, would conquered death, and through a life of humility we experienced your divinity and we are changed forevermore.

Happy Birthday! Jesus.