God is love.“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8 (NIV)

Why would God give us life? Why would he create us from nothing and allow us to breath, see, smell, taste, touch, have feelings, think, and to give us a will of our own? Our enemies would have us constantly ask the question “What is our purpose in life?” The short, simple answer is “to learn how to love.” Truly love — the way that God loves us.

Jesus said all the law of the prophets was summed up in this “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength… and, to love your neighbor as yourself.” It seems like a pretty simple purpose! Throughout the Bible God tells us of His great love for us. I’ve heard it said that the Bible was God’s love letter to us. The message of love is so obvious in His Word that many times we miss it due to our over-emphasis on concentrating on the rules and regulations governing our religious behavior.

No matter how simple it may seem — our life is a day to day journey to love. Love is how we express our worship. We will spend our live’s trying to fathom God’s great love for us, surrendering our selfishness and sin one day at a time. Love is why we were created. Love is the only true thing we leave behind, but most importantly, it’s the only thing we can send ahead of us into eternity. Love is what makes us shine and brings glory to God.

“But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48