newdayI struggle every morning with myself. Sleeping too long, eating and drinking too much, or just plain sinful, selfish thoughts. They all combat with me as I rise to begin another day in God’s story. This war makes it extremely hard to capture every thought and make them obedient to Christ. Moreover, I know that Satan uses this time to tempt me into a poor attitude in facing the day.

In Psalm 108, David cries out “This is the day the Lord has made and I shall be glad and rejoice in it!” Our attitude every morning should be one of praise and thanksgiving. We know we have a good God. He loves us more than we can imagine. He constantly provides for us. Through His great mercy, each morning He gives us life and breath, purpose and meaning, and a free will to change and choose the attitude which sets our course each day.

It is critical in this early morning struggle to remember His goodness, His provision, and trust that no matter what circumstances may befall us. He is ours! His mercy endures forever. His grace is sufficient. He loves us with an everlasting love! He sings over us! He delights in us! We are the bride of Christ!