Some worship thoughts for followers of Jesus Christ!

Tag: will

The Mystery of God

UnknownWe can know God’s will. It’s written throughout His Bible. We will never know His ways. He is too high. Jesus said that Eternal life was this one thing – to know the one true God. So we spend a lifetime on a journey to Him and an eternity with Him – to know Him.

Through faith, we call Him beautiful by a definition we can not see. Through faith, we hear Him in the silence and feel His presence in the stillness. Through faith, we love Him with feelings we don’t fully understand, yet, demonstrate our love through obedience to His will. His word says we live, move and have our being in Him. He surrounds us. He is in us. He is before and after us. But, most importantly He is with us.

I believe His will is simple to understand, yet it is so hard to live out. “Love me and one another.” On our journey through life we miss His mark so many times. We have formidable enemies battling for control over our complete submission to His will. We battle our self (flesh), the world, and Satan. Without Christ, we have lost, and we are lost. He alone was, is, and will always be the perfect sacrifice for our sin. Jesus was perfect in obedience to His Father’s will – perfect even to death on the cross.

The Will of God

To say that everything that happens is the will of God is ignorance. God is in control and nothing escapes His power and majestic rule. He can use what Man means for evil and conform it to His will and purpose. But, our choices are ultimately — ours. While in this world, we as Christians can not believe God’s grace is a scapegoat from the repercussions of our rebellious choices. Moreover, it is because of His grace through Jesus Christ we are capable of doing any eternal good on our own.

Genesis tells us of the origins of heaven and earth. It tells us that our God is our prideful creator, faithful to provide every good and perfect thing from the beginning of creation. Our Heavenly Father creates a perfect environment for us, the garden of Eden. We only had one rule. It was His will that we do not eat from the tree with knowledge of good and evil. During this awesome time, our Father walked with us. He talked with us. His presence was with us. His provision completely surrounded us. Yet, in His great love for us He allowed us the freedom of choice. In His love, He gave us our own will. We had the ability from the beginning to choose His way or ours.

Our weak faith in His promises, made us subject to the temptations from our Enemy, the devil. We chose to disobey God and it was not without consequences. Our choice led to sin, suffering and death. We let them enter God’s perfect creation from our selfishness.

To say that these sinful choices are God’s will is ludicrous. (There is no darkness in Him!) Genesis makes it plain that God has been in control since the beginning of time. Even with all the obstacles and rebellion we have chosen to put in front of His will, He sacrifices His Son to pay for our disobedience. God’s will is to sacrifice what He loves most for a people who despise and hate Him. Surely, His ways are not ours! If you think you got Him figured out — PRAY HARD!

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